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Living Water Frequencies were developed to stabilize and then add the individual Will to the Universal Living Flow that moves through the Earth to keep nature alive. It is this Natural Flow that connects Heaven and Earth in Wholeness. The individual Will must be first connected to the Elements in order to connect collective consciousness to the Earth. Connecting to the elements is called a Miracle. Connecting to Universal Living Flow is called Alchemy.

In ancient times there were men who practiced an uncommon philosophy called Alchemy. It was believed that by exposing the frequency of a lesser metal to Natural Elements, it would be possible to change the frequency of the lesser metal into the Higher Frequency of Gold. 


The Living Water Frequency works in much the same way, except instead of denser metal being exposed to the alchemy of the elements, it is the dense emotional body that is being exposed to elemental alchemy to increase personal emotional value. 


When first introduced to the Living Water Frequency, the emotional body is exposed to miracle reform. This teaches that there is a better purpose for our emotions than the one that has been assigned by the body.  The miracle is an experience that does not require the body to do anything. You are merely being asked to be a silent witness, or observer of the effects of the Living Water on your emotions. This experience IS a miracle. You will begin to consciously understand what a miracle "feels" like.


As consciousness begins to witness the effects of the miracle experience at the emtional level, new understanding begins to dawn consciously in the mind that there is a better way.  The miracle experience allows consciousness to observe rather than be an active participant in the miracle experience.

Living Water allows the individual to first observe the miracle experience, and then become an active participant. Active conscious participation comes from undoing emotional blocks. This still does not require the body to do anything, as emotions do no t come from the physical body, but instead from the emotional body that surrounds the physical body.  The emotional body is often referred to as the aura.


Any emotional block will prevent consciousness from witnessing the miracle experience. It is therefore necessary to begin the process of consciously learning to choose a miracle over the emotional block. This is something that must be learned, but observation must be applied first. This is what the Living Water does, it allows the individual to consciously observe.


Once the remedy to undo the emotional block is wholly accepted, there is an alchemy shift in consciousness. It is here where consciousness recognizes the value in whole emotional release.


Unlimited understanding comes from whole emotional release. This emotional release signals that a fearful limit imposed at the body level has been completely undone with alchemy. Alchemy changes the body chemistry, the emotional chemistry, and collapses the linear time where the memory of guilty bondage was being stored. With fear gone from the body, it is impossible for guilt to be held in time. Thus, the linear timeline that supported guilt collapses.


 The Higher Frequency in Living Water works in time, as do miracles. Miracles are the first conscious step in realizing the Freedom in the Alchemy Spirit that has been released from guilty bondage.  Just like miracles, the Living Water Frequency asks nothing of you, except to consciously observe your emotions. The Living Water Frequency adds increase conscious awareness to this process, and power always flows towards where consciousness is directing. 


The body is not used to being idle. It wants us to do, but doing anything is interfering with miracles. The Living Water Frequency will help you learn that by doing nothing, you will be learning to first observe, and then consciously direct.


Like the miracle experience, Living Water is a spiritual tool specifically designed to consciously help individuals learn the unlimited power that is within their Divine Will.

"Whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life."

John 4:14
New International Version


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Placing Spirit First in Time

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